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The Conomac Park (from Conococheague and Potomac) closed after this flood in 1936
Conomac Park at Williamsport was inundated as the high water of the Potomac backed up the normally narrow Conococheague river. Box cars on the Western Maryland tracks and several houses were completely inundated.
Mobilizing health authorities and relief workers, Mayor R. B. Hess of Hancock took precautions last night against the spread of disease and made arrangements to care for 200 persons driven from their homes by the high waters. Cots were sent from Hagerstown to care for some of the homeless in the Hancock fire house.
Miss Lila Biays was rescued by motorboat from the third floor of her home in Hancock yesterday afternoon.
The local chapter of the American Red, with the aid of county workers and chairmen, immediately began a survey of the Hancock and other sections of the county. Miss Gertrude Skiles, executive secretary of the local chapter, left for Hancock early yesterday morning and remained there last night.
(From Hagerstown Morning Herald, 3/19/1936)
From the collection of Eugene Gordon, Western Maryland Room.