Collection Name
State's Chief Executive Confers With City And County Authorities On Needs Of Relief From Devastating Floods
Cumberland Getting Rid Of Thousands Of Tons Of Mud In Central Part Of Town
Semi-Military Control To Continue Another Day. And People Asked To Co-Operate
Annapolis, Md., March 20. —The. Senate today adopted a resolution which requests the Governor to name a commission to tour the flood areas and report on needs. There was only one dissenting vote, that of Senator Robert B. Kimble (R. Allegany).
Senator Kimble explained his vote by saying such a trip would be only a "junket, a pleasure trip."
Gov. Harry W. Nice arrived here by auto at 12:30 noon today to inspect the flood damage in Cumberland and the nearby stricken areas.
The Maryland chief executive came here from the lower Potomac Valley where he inspected the flooded areas around Point of Rocks, Hancock and other places enroute.
Following luncheon with Mayor George W. Legge, Mayor-elect Thomas W. Koon and city officials, the Governor will tour the stricken sections of the city and then go to Lonaconing, Westernport, and enroute points.
Gov. Nice was accompanied by Sergeant Menash Katz, of the State Police, and five Baltimore newspapermen.
He first went to the City Hall, where with Mayor Legge, members of the Council, Dr. Koon, Tasker G. Lowndes and others, he discussed the local flood and relief situation briefly. After luncheon, he plans to see the extent of the havoc wrought here and in other sections of the county.
Governor Nice left Annapolis at midnight after he had conferred with the leaders of the Senate and House, and he will return to Annapolis tonight, stopping at Williamsport this evening.
After getting some idea of the needs here and elsewhere in the stricken area, Gov. Nice is expected to submit a request for Federal aid that will materially advance recovery from the St. Patrick's Day disaster.
Mud Disappearing
Hundreds of trucks are hauling thousands of tons of mud and debris from the flood area. Several thousand men are employed in clean-up work.
Mayor Legge and Lieut. Col. George Henderson issued appeals at noon for spectators to remain away from the stricken sections of town. Only those with imperative business reasons or on emergency missions will be admitted to the restricted district until the clean-up work is completed. Passes are required of those entering the military-patrolled zone.
Mail From East
The first mail from the east since Tuesday came in by truck late this afternoon from Washington. Mail service to the west was restored yesterday. Letters and other postal matter caught in the postoffice when it was hit by the flood Tues(Continued On Page 2)
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day was being distributed today, most of it wet and grimy.
Plan County Bond Issue
Following its meeting yesterday afternoon, the Allegany County Commissioners expected to approve today a tentative draft of a bill ordered prepared by its attorney David W. Sloan, for a $500,000 county bond issue enabling act for "emergency purposes." The bill will be sent at once to the Allegany county delegation at Annapolis for prompt action.
The bill would authorize such an expenditure if needed in the future for county emergency purposes.
A. Charles Stewart, chairman of the Commission wired Governor Nice yesterday that it was imperative that the State of Maryland extend emergency assistance to Cumberland and adjacent flood area. The wire said many people were in dire need with business and traffic almost at a standstill.
Hurrying Rail Repair Work
At the divisional office of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad here today it was stated it was expected that the tracks over the Connellsville division to Pittsburgh would be open tonight for traffic. The main line west to Grafton has been operating with little trouble.
It was hoped to get one or more tracks open late tonight or tomorrow between Cumberland and the east. Track gangs and work trains have been working east of Cumberland and from Hancock. It is expected by detouring over Western Maryland rails east of Cumberland, both the B. & O. and Western Maryland jointly expect to get express and passenger trains through effective tomorrow, followed by scheduled freight trains.
The Western Maryland is hurrying repairs to its tracks both southwest and east of Cumberland.
W. M. Bridge Repaired
The Western Maryland Railway had made temporary repairs to its bridge over Will's Creek at Baltimore street today. At the same time gangs of laborers were put to work to release tons of debris lodged against the bridge piers and the Mechanic street floodwall. A large gasoline tank and drums and a miscellaneous mass of wreckage was caught and held in the jam.
The Western Maryland, by using an inside track through the Narrows, brought a freight train in from its Connellsville line at noon today to Ridgeley yards. The train had been held out beyond the city in the Narrows for two days.
Work trains were to go up the Will's Creek section to City Junction and beyond later today to repair trackage.
Interurban bus traffic east and west was opened yesterday, it was announced. B. & O. rail traffic west of Cumberland was also resumed yesterday.
Nelson W. Russler, supreme representative of the Knights of Pythias, this city, was advised by Reno S. Harp, Frederick, Md., its supreme chancellor, that the Pythian order stood ready to aid its members and asked how much money would be needed. Col. Russler is asked to distribute it.
Chancellor commanders, with the relief committees of each subordinate lodge in the flooded zone, were asked to make a survey promptly and endeavor to locate any Pythian or his family in distress and report it, so necessary action could be
Notes of the Flood
Ernest Doman, Locust Grove, saw his chickencoop with 40 fowls move off. Later the coop was found on the B. and O. track and balanced on one rail. Strange to say but one chicken was drowned and the eggs in the nests had not been disturbed.
Oscar O'Neal was also a Locust Grove victim of the visitation. Coming into the city he saw part of his domicile lodged against the Western Maryland bridge with mattresses and beds.
Several boys had a harvest. One found a slot machine that yielded $17 in nickels and another $9.
Joseph Lynch, Locust Grove, lost his car completely. He saw it moving off and kept on going in the flood.
Charles Easton, Locust Grove, lost his three room house, his chickens and his automobile.
A bus load of mail left at 2 p. m. for the east to be distributed out of Washington. This bus brought mail from the east. The first mail east was a bus load which left night at 6 o'clock.
The first west mail left at 12:25 p. m. over the Baltimore and Ohio yesterday. This mail is distributed out of Grafton.
The building owned by the William Pearre heirs at the Baltimore street bridge has been condemned. The foundation wall on the creek side collapsed. This building, a landmark, once housed the law office of the late Col. George A. Pearre.
The back wall of the Kinney shoe store, Baltimore street, has completely collapsed.
Concord, N. H., March 20 — Candles were selling at 50 cents apiece today as this state capital faced at least another night of darkness because of flood conditions.
There was no electric power and no gas. The population of 25,000 could not get out of the city by road or rail. Approximately 500 were homeless as the Merrimack river reached an all-time high level.