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History of Antietam National Cemetery (page 16)

Collection Name


History of Antietam National Cemetery

Media Items

Media Items
Media Items
Page #
Maryland. Board of Trustees of the Antietam National Cemetery.
Collection Location
Washington County Free Library
J.W. Woods, printer, Baltimore
Original size
23 x 14 cms
Washington County, Md; 1862-1869.

indicated by their representation in the House of Representatives of the United States.

New York,       31 Representatives,       $17,281 88
Indiana,       11       "         6,132 28
Connecticut        4       "        2,229 92
*Maryland         5       "         2,787 40
New Jersey        5       "         2,787 40
Illinois 14 " 7,804 72
Minnesota,       2       "        1,114 96
Maine,        5       "         2,787 40
#R. Island        2       "         1,114 96
Pennsylvania,       24       "         13,379 52
Ohio,        19       "         1,592 12
Wisconsin,        6       "         3,344 88
Michigan,        6       "         3,344 88
Vermont,        3       "         1,672 44
Delaware,        1       "         557 48
W. Virginia,        3       "         1,672 44
N. Hampshire,        3       "         1,672 44
Massachusetts,       10       "         5,574 80

It is gratifying to be able to record the fact, that there has ' been a large saving in the estimated amount, which was deemed necessary to be expended for labor and materials in the completion of the work, which is due, in great part, to the ever vigilant and watchful care and economy practiced by the Superintendent, who gave to the work during its progress his undivided attention. The appropriations made by the different states amount to the sum of $62,229 77, which has been so judiciously expended as to do an amount of work, which at low estimates, it was deemed would require the expenditure of $85,852 32.

Although the apportionment of Maryland, as will be seen by reference to the foregoing table, was $2,787 40, yet her appropriation was, under the act of 1805, $7000. Subsequently the legislature, at its extra session in January, A. D. 1866, voted unanimously the additional appropriation of $8000, thus making the sum altogether appropriated by her, to amount

*-Appropriated $7,000.       # appropriated $1,000.