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Newspaper coverage - list of Union dead at Antietam published. August 1865

Collection Name


Local newspaper coverage of Cemetery

Media Items

Media Items
Media Items
Herald and Torch Light
Collection Location
Washington County Free Library
Original size
23 x 14 cms
Washington County, Md; 1862-1869.


We are indebted to Thomas A. Boullt, Esq., for a Circular, published by the Trustees of the Antietam National Cemetery.

It contains a list of the names of all the dead Union soldiers that are sleeping on the historic field of Antietam, that have as yet been identified. They are alphabetically arranged; according to State, company and regiment, as far as possible.

1503 have been identified by name, State and regiment, while 603 are accredited to the States to which they belonged, but their names are unknown.

From this Circular we learn the astounding fact that between 7,000 and 8.000 soldiers of the Union are buried on the field. The number removed and buried in other places might be safely estimated at 2,000. This would, make an aggregate of 10,000 gallant men, who gave up their lives for their country on the ever memorable 17th of September,

We have always contended that Antietam was the greatest battle of the war, not in results, of course, but in the numbers engaged, and the fearful loss of life. Gettysburg had more terrible passages, but they were of short duration. The battle lasted through three days and yet the killed on the Union side were less than 5,000. It will be seen from this Circular, that in a single day at Antietam twice that number lost their lives.

The pamphlet now before us will be of the greatest interest to the thousands of stricken families throughout the loyal States, whose friends are among the honored dead. It will be some consolation for them to know that the bodies of their fallen sons have been identified, and laid in the National Cemetery.

We know not how many of these Circulars have been published, but we presume that all who apply to Mr. Boullt, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, will be furnished with a copy.