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The 1920 Maryland Geological Survey, Second report on the coals of Maryland wrote of the Jackson mine:
Two timbered drift openings have been made into the Tyson seam. The workings are developed on the Room and Pillar system. The mining is by pick. The mine is ventilated by a 5-foot Stine force fan, capacity 40,000 cubic feet per minute, belt-driven by a 10 h. p. Phoenix Electric Company motor. The mine water is drained in ditches to the surface by gravity. Four ponies are used for hauling in this mine. Forty-eight 1-ton mine cars of the Hockensmith type, tare weight 1400 pounds, are used in the Tyson mine. The track is 36-inch gauge and laid with 16-pound T-rail. One hundred and fifty feet of tramroad leads from the mine opening to the upper or Tyson tipple.
Name of reverse of photo - Les Clark.