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Close up view of Round Top Cement Mill along canal; Mill is several stories high

Close up view of the Round Top Cement Mill. Wooden structure on the upper right is where the limestone kilns were housed. The kilns which could get upwards of 1832°F in order to fire the limestone to make quicklime. The use of wood to shelter the kilns caused the Mill to burn to the ground three different times before it closed in the early 20th century. Men who worked at the cement mill used the towpath to get to work and crossed the canal on the foot bridge seen in the foreground.

Cement Mill post operations, building abandon, wall of rock where bridge walkway once stood

Post operations view of the Round Top Cement Mill. By the time this picture was taken the mill had been rebuilt after its third fire which destroyed the whole mill in 1903. However, the company was not able to recover financially after rebuilding the mill and Round Top Cement Mill closed in 1909.