Collection Name
Black, Sheridan and Wilson
Miners and Shippers of
Steam, Smithing and Gas Coals
Georges Creek Cumberland, West Virginia & Youghiogheny
Coal Fields
6 & 8 Chamber of Commerce
Baltimore, Md, Jun 11, 1884
Mr Geo Dittmeyer
Harpers Ferry, W Va
Dear Sir
Yours to hand with enclosed check for $42.07 which is to your credit in full.
We quote Run of mine coal @ 1.00 per gwp ton, lump 1.25 for gwp ton. Frt Two dollars per gwp ton. This will make it three dollars for run of mine and three 25/100 dollars for lump at Harpers Ferry. Hope to get your orders.
Truly yours
Black Sheridan & Wilson,
"gwp" could be "gross weight price" or "gross weight port (of loading)". "Frt" is probably "Freight"
Miners in George's Creek were receiving 60 cents a ton for coal they dug. This company sold it for $1.00 and $1.25 a ton, plus $2 to ship to Harper's Ferry.