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Account books, Maryland, Allegany County

George's Creek Coal and Iron Company (Payroll November 1-15 1907, page 6)

Media Items
Collection Name
242 John McDonough Carpenter
243 Hugh Stevenson Laborer
244 Balfour Kelly Laborer
245 John Peebles Brakeman
246 Sam Brown Dumper
247 John Lewis Dumper
248 Thos Boyd Driver
249 Wm Burt Driver

George's Creek Coal and Iron Company (Payroll February 1-15 1907, page 8)

Media Items
Collection Name
264 N Allan Stockton Surveying
265 Frank Green Surveying
266 Arch Gilchrist Outside Labor
267 John Hohing Outside Labor
268 John J Click Stables
269 Jacob Click Stables
270 John Click Jr Stables
271 Henry Cutter Stable

George's Creek Coal and Iron Company (Payroll February 1-15 1907, page 7)

Media Items
Collection Name
Item 2154 (shoveling snow by the day)
Jas Seggie
Robt Paton
Albert Stevenson
Geo Higgins
Saml Carfield
Item 2625263 (shoveling snow by the hour)
A Morton
Geo McComick
Dan Albright
Robt Cook
Jas Wilson
Frank Merrill
Jos Staff