Collection Name
THE undersigned, intending to remove to the West, will sell at private sale, one of the most VALUABLE and PRODUCTIVE FARMS in Washington Co, Md. It is situate in the Clearspring District, and contains
320 Acres First-rate Limestone Land!
and adjoins the lands of Samuel Middlekauff, Christian Shup, the heirs of the late Michael Smith and others; and borders for a considerable distance on the Potomac River and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which gives it great advantages as an outlet to market. There are also within two miles of the premises, two good Flouring Mills, easy of access by good roads. The Little Conococheague Creek passes through the land, a Well of excellent never-failing Water near the dwelling, all under good fencing, a large portion of it being post and board. The improvements are a Two-Story Rough-cast DWELLING HOUSE, KITCHEN, Smoke House: OVERSEER’S HOUSE and other necessary out-houses. A well built Stone and Frame Barn, 85 by 48 feet, with new and substantial Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs.
Also - A FINE LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Lot of Ground in the town of Clearspring, on which the subscriber resides, having advantages of location and improvements.
Persons wishing to purchase can ascertain the terms, &c., by addressing the undersigned, or calling on him in person, at Clearspring, Washington Co., Md.
July 30, 1856 H.W. DELLINGER.
Chambersburg Whig and Lancaster Examiner, publish 3t. and send bills to this office for collection.