Collection Name
To Farmers, Millers and Others
The subscriber respectfully informs the Millers and Farmers and the public generally that he has his Warehouse (on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal) in complete order for the reception of Flour, Grain or any other article of produce destined for the District Markets, and all Produce entrusted to his care will be forwarded by the earliest opportunity in the Spring.
He will also bring up, to order, Plaster, Salt, Fish, or any other Merchandize.
His Warehouse is about two miles below Sharpsburg, and ten miles below Mercerville. His prices will be regulated by the Mercerville prices in proportion to distance.
10 miles south of Mercerville would probably mean the warehouse was located near Miller's Saw Mill.
Millers, farmers and others who needed to transport their goods to the larger markets needed a place to store their goods while the canal was closed during the winter off season. Warehouses opened up along the canal in order to store produce and products for shipment, thereby relieving the farmer from maintaining multiple large warehouses of their own.