Canal Scrip
Canal Scrip.
Canal Scrip.
Construction of Dams.
The Canal Company have determined to build new dams at or near the sites of Dams No. 4 and 5, as soon as arrangements can be made for the purpose. It is said that the contract for the construction of Dam No. 4 has already been given out to Messrs. HUMERID and ROBISON, of Martinsburg, the latter gentlemen being the editor of an unscrupulous Democratic paper published in that town.
For the Herald and Torch.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
The Canal.
Sale of Canal Bonds.
The $60,000 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Preferred Coupon Bonds, bearing six per cent interest from January 1st, 1855, which were advertised for sale at the suit of the Frederick County Bank, were sold on Thursday last at the Merchant’s Exchange, Baltimore. They were put up in $5,000 lots, with the privilege of taking the whole. The first lot of $5,000 sold at $1,275, being $25 50 per share, and bought by Col. W. P. Maulsby, President of the Canal Company, who took the entire amount of $60,000, at the same price, amounting in all to $15,300.
Canal Affairs.
We understand that the boats are leaving Cumberland without any coal, the owners being determined not to boat coal for less than $1.25 per ton, that being the lowest price at which they can afford to bring it. The water is very low, and there are about 30 boats tied up at Dam No. 6. The Canal Company have had Mr. Patterson, who was formerly employed as Chief Engineer of the Canal, engaged in making arrangements, &c., for the purpose of repairing this dam.
Canal Affairs.
We understand that the boats are leaving Cumberland without any coal, the owners being determined not to boat coal for less than $1.25 per ton, that being the lowest price at which they can afford to bring it. The water is very low, and there are about 30 boats tied up at Dam No. 5. The Canal Company have had Mr. Patterson, who was formerly employed as Chief Engineer of the Canal, engaged in making arrangements, &c., for the purpose of repairing this dam.
THE undersigned, intending to remove to the West, will sell at private sale, one of the most VALUABLE and PRODUCTIVE FARMS in Washington Co, Md. It is situate in the Clearspring District, and contains
320 Acres First-rate Limestone Land!
For the Herald and Torch.
The Canal.
Messrs. Editors:—I observed in your last week’s paper a communication from "A Boatman," censuring the conduct of the Canal officers for the bad management of the Canal. Fearing those not acquainted with the facts, might think “A Boatman” meant that all had neglected their duty, and believing that such was not his intention, I state with pleasure, that out of the six Superintendents on the line, one has his division supplied with Ice Brakers.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
The Cumberland Civilian states the some difficulty is experienced from low water at dam No. 5, on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, so much so, that the Canal Company keep employed at that point a force of hands and a scow, to assist the boats over the bar. The boats are lightened by taking out about 10 tons, which enables them to pass over the obstruction, when the 10 tons are returned, and from thence they can proceed to their place of destination without other interruptions.