Collection Name
Famous Canal Boatman Sick
Had Charge Of Boat "Round Top”
Which Hauled Cement To Nation’s Capital
Emanuel Athey, one of the oldest residents of Hancock, is critically ill. Mr. Athey, in the heyday of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, had charge of the famous boat, "Round Top," owned by Bridges and Henderson, which hauled cement to Washington and Cumberland from the Round Top mill. Much cement that entered into the construction of government and other buildings in Washington 40 or 60 years ago, was taken there by Captain Athey. He was known the entire length of the waterway because of his affable, obliging manner and uniform good nature. He had been a member of the vestry of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hancock, for many years. He is prominent in Masonic circles.
The Daily Mail Hagerstown, MD May 6, 1925
Funeral of Emanuel Athey
The funeral of Emanuel Athey, aged 82, a native of Allegany county, near this city, who went to Hancock, Md. before the Civil War and entered the employ of Bridges & Henderson, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hancock, of which he was senior warden. Mr. Athey was with the firm of Bridges & Henderson and its successors for 45 years. For many years he operated the cement boat, "Round Top,” on the canal, and was widely known as "Captain" Athey.
Mr. Athey was a treasurer of the Masonic lodge at Hancock for 30 years and was a charter member of Hancock lodge of the Knights of Pythias. He was also a member of the Improved Order of Red Men. Four daughters survive: Mrs. J. William Murray, Cumberland; Mrs. Mollie McKinley, Hancock, and Mrs. William H. Love and Mrs. Solomon E. Exline, Pittsburgh.
The Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland Saturday, May 9, 1925
The newspaper articles were provided by the great granddaughter of Emanuel Athey, Martha R Murray.