Collection Name
The Canal
We are indebted to a friend for the annexed statement of the income and expenses of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal for the last year:—
Revenue from Tolls *$138,675.84
“ Water Rents *3,651.25
Rent of Houses and Lands* 810.15
Fines and Penalties* 45.63
*** $143,182.37
Current expenses paid in the year 1854, exclusive of entries unpaid.
Improvements of Canal Steam Pump * $7,025.11
Repairs Ordinary * 61,624.69
Repairs extra ordinary breaches, &c.* 5,014.86
Pay Superintendents, Coll. Lock Keepers and Inspectors * 22,552.49
Pay Pres., Directors, Clerk, Treasurer, and Line Superintendent * 7,426.73
Interest paid * 26,319.20
Contingent expenses * 1,251.15
Postage, Printing and Stationary * 346.06
Law Expenses * 527.16
*** $ 132,088.05