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... Business is quite brisk upon the Canal; our merchants are anxious to get off every thing in the shape of produce, as soon as they can, in anticipation of "Jack Frost," whose annual visitation may be calculated upon ere long. We understand that the completion of the Canal to Cumberland is now reduced to a certainty; and, that that desirable event will certainly be brought about some time between this and the opening of the spring trade. We anticipate a large amount of business, and hope for the realization of our fond hopes with reference to this great work, when it shall have been completed. A few days since, in passing along the Canal in the neighbourhood of Mercerville, we took a peep at the Steamer, “Susan Harris," now being constructed, for Major Thomas G. Harris, at that place. She is really a curiosity in her way, while also seems admirably adapted to the business for which she is intended—that of towing burthen boats upon the Canal. We understood she will make her first trip in the coming week, and will be at this place on Saturday next, where she will lay to, for the purpose of painting, &c, for two or three days, when our citizens will have an opportunity of satisfying their curiosity, with regard to what has heretofore been regarded as chimerical, namely —a Steamboat upon a Canal. May the Major meet with that success, which his untiring industry and perseverance entitle him to, is our most heartfelt wish.
“More anon”