Collection Name
Valuable Personal Property at Sheriff’s Sale!
By virtue of an Order of the Circuit Court of Washington County, passed in virtue of sundry writs of attachment against Joseph H. Piper, I will proceed to sell on Friday the 14th day of November next, at 10 o’clock A.M. at Mercerville, commonly called Piper’s Landing, near Sharpsburg, the following valuable personal property, to wit:
10 HEAD OF MULES, TWO MILCH COWS, 41 HEAD OF HOGS, 1 pair of Carriage HORSES, 1 BUGGY, 1 Double set of Harness, 1 Spring Wagon, FOUR CANAL BOATS, 12 sets of Boat Harness, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Corn Crusher, 1 Straw Cutter, 1 Cart, lot of Pine Boards, a lot of groceries, Iron Safe, 32 Sacks Salt, 2 Sacks of GUANO, &c.
Also – THE FOLLOWING SLAVES: - 1 Negro Man. Slave for life; 1 Negro Woman and Child, slaves for life; Charles Hinton, to serve until January first, 1858, and Otho Clements to serve until January first, 1879, together with a large collection of Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Beds and Bedding, Wardrobes, Stoves, two of which are coal and one a Cooking Stove, Carpets, and many other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale: - The cash will be required on all sums of $10 and under; a credit of three months on all sums over $10, to be secured by notes of the purchaser with approved security; and no article to be delivered to the purchasers until settled for.
October 29, 1856
R. Sheckles, Auct.