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Chesapeake and Ohio Canal--Maryland

The oldest boatman, A. D. McCardell, 1893

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A. D. McCardell, of this place, and brother of the senior editor of the Leader, believes that he is the oldest boatman now following the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. He made his first trip on the flour boat Benjamin Franklin, with David Hoover, captain, Theodore Embrey, bowsman, his brother, Charles, towboy and himself steward and cook or “slush,” just as the captain was in humor to term him, and while away from home on this memorable voyage the editor was born.

Canal break at Williamsport, 1855

Media Items

From the Williamsport Journal of Saturday last.

Canal Break — Loss of Life.

A serious occurrence took place on Wednesday night last near Piper’s warehouse on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. A heavy thunder storm had passed over that portion of country during the evening, swelling the streams to such an extent as to do considerable damage, the culvert near the warehouse was washed out, leaving a breach in the Canal of so great magnitude that it will require several weeks before it can be repaired and navigation resumed.

Six canal boats, mules etc. for sale, Cumberland, 1855

Media Items

Trustee’s Sale

THE undersigned, as Trustees, will sell at any time, at Private Sale, the following property, to wit:

Six Canal Boats, called “THREE BROTHERS,” “Ellen Bell,” “Sarah Ann,” “John Beall,” “Kate Bruce,” and the “Cock Robin.”
76 MULES & Harness,
6 HORSES and Harness.
One Cart and 1 Dray, 2 Hay Presses, 1 Pair of Scales for weighing coal, 1 Rockaway Carriage and Harness, 1 Set of Blacksmith’s Tools.

A break on the Canal, 1854

Media Items

A Break in the Canal.

We understand that the navigation on the Canal is again suspended ; a break having occurred last Saturday on the feeder level of the Williamsport Division.

The people of the State certainly look to the Canal for relief from taxation at some future day,-but unless a change is made in the manner of its management, we fear they will be disappointed.

We wait with anxiety to hear of the action of the Stockholders at their late meeting.

Land slide at Paw Paw, 1854

Media Items

Land Slide.—

-A heavy landslide occurred on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, on Monday, a short distance below the tunnel, which it is supposed will require several days to remove — some say one week. During this period, navigation will be necessarily suspended. It is to be hoped that the slide is not of as much consequence as represented, and that navigation will be resumed speedily. Cumberland Times.

Mill & warehouse for sale along Canal, 1854

Media Items

Mill and Warehouse FOR SALE!

THE subscriber wishing to go West, will sell his property situate on the “Big Slack Water” of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, near the lands of the late Judge Buchanan, containing 16 ¼ ACRES OF LAND UPON WHICH IS A MERCHANT MILL
having 2 PAIR OF BURRS and a pair of Country Stones, capable of making from 20 to 30 barrels of Flour per day, and all in good running order.