War Department Officers Making Survey of Canal, 1918
War Department Officers Making Survey of Canal
Hagerstown, Md. March 8.
War Department Officers Making Survey of Canal
Hagerstown, Md. March 8.
Williamsport. — After a suspension of nearly two weeks, due to a bad break in the towpath on the Four-Mile level, below this place, navigation on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal has been resumed.
Coal Begins to Move on Maryland Canal
Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 25.—Coal is arriving on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at Williamsport for the first time in a month, navigation haying been practically stopped as a result of the coal miners' strike in the Western Maryland coal fields.
Several boatloads of coal reached Williamsport during the latter part of the past week, and, it is expected that there will be an increase in traffic now that the mines are being operated on a larger scale.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
The Canal Open.
We understand that the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is now open, and that navigation has been resumed. There is an immense amount of flour and other produce which has accumulated during the winter, awaiting transportation upon its waters.
Hagerstown Mail
Dec 22, 1892
Next year a lively time is expected and a great big tonnage - it will pay.
Rails and Posts for Sale
20,000 CHESTNUT RAILS and 2,000 LOCUST AND CHESNUT POSTS for sale. Apply to the undersigned, near Williamsport.
I will also sell or rent my Warehouse, Grocery and Feed Store, situated on the Canal, about 2 ½ miles below Williamsport.
February 20, 1856—1m
On Saturday last, “Lynn’s Wharf,” on the west side of Wills’ Creek, was the scene of a terrible disaster. A portion of the heavy trestle work that supports the railroad, and on which at the time, were a number of coal cars, suddenly gave way at one of the shutes and fell to the ground. The stock belonging to boats loading at the Wharf, was fastened, as usual, under this structure, and some fifteen or twenty horses and mules were caught in the ruins and crushed to death in the most shocking manner.
Serious Accident
The Canal
We are indebted to a friend for the annexed statement of the income and expenses of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal for the last year:—
Revenue from Tolls *$138,675.84
“ Water Rents *3,651.25
Rent of Houses and Lands* 810.15
Fines and Penalties* 45.63
*** $143,182.37
Current expenses paid in the year 1854, exclusive of entries unpaid.
Improvements of Canal Steam Pump * $7,025.11
Repairs Ordinary * 61,624.69