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Signature Collections
Enslaved and Free African Americans in Western Maryland
About: Runaways
Other topics within this collection:
Slaves for Hire
Slaves for Sale
Wanted to Purchase or Hire
Free Negroes
Colonization Society
Laws and the Legislature
Public Notices
Population Figures
News of Slaves and Free Blacks
Slaves and the Civil War
Emancipation and the Abolition of Slavery
Displaying 1 - 36 of 95
14 Runaways, 1852
15 runaways, 1846
A Slave Stampede, 1857
A slave stampede. 1852
Another stampede of slaves, 1852
Arrested-Negro man belonging to Dr. Wilson, 1857
Ben Johnson, runaway from Tennant, Sharpsburg, 1831
Cumberland slaves arrested in Pennsylvania, 1862
Davey, runway from Conn, Boonsborough, 1796
Elias Dowling, runaway, worked on canal, 1850
Four Dollars Reward, Faucett, from Benjamin Bean, 1796
Frisby Tilghman's escaped slave in Canada, 1851
Henry McCauley's runaway returns, 1855
Jess, runaway from Charles County, 1793
Jonathan Hager's slave, Mary Cyrus, 1863
Kidnapped man released, 1856
Michael, runaway from VA, may be on canal, 1832
Near lynching in Hagerstown, 1839
Negroes drowned, 1847
Pembroke bought from Jacob Grove, 1854
Pembroke/Pennington runaway from Tilghman, Rockland, Washington Co. , 1827
Penningtons, runaways from Smith & Grove, Sharpsburg, 1854
Recovery of stolen goods from runaways, 1856
Robert & James Hicks, runaways from Roszel, near Leesburg, 1825
Runaway - David Johnson, 1857
Runaway - Henry Barnett, 1857
Runaway - Singleton Key, 3 cent reward, 1855
Runaway -George Gray, 1857
Runaway Bob from Walling, Hughes Furnace, 1802
Runaway captured in Williamsport, 1856
Runaway from Baltimore, James Reed, 1855
Runaway from Beeler, 1856
Runaway George Williams, 1851
Runaway slave, Moses, from Virginia, 1796
Runaway Stephen from Claggett, Hagerstown 1796
Runaway, Abram Gamby, from James Prather, Jacques Furnace, 1795
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