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Signature Collections
Enslaved and Free African Americans in Western Maryland
About: Emancipation and the Abolition of Slavery
Other topics within this collection:
Slaves for Hire
Slaves for Sale
Wanted to Purchase or Hire
Free Negroes
Colonization Society
Laws and the Legislature
Public Notices
Population Figures
News of Slaves and Free Blacks
Slaves and the Civil War
Emancipation and the Abolition of Slavery
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
A Humbug (Copperhead claim re slaves a lie), 1864
A plan to compensate slave owners, 1863
Abolition of slavery, Cumberland, 1864
Adjournment of state convention, 1864
Be active, earnest and vigilant, 1864
Commissioners meeting and taxes for slaves, 1864
Cumberland slaves arrested in Pennsylvania, 1862
Depreciation in Slave Value, 1864
Manumission of slaves, 1860
Manumissions, 1860
Maryland redeemed - constitution adopted, 1864
Meeting in Cumberland re emancipation, 1863
No equality among laboring class and aristocrats, 1864
Our state election, 1864
Reduction in county assessment with slaves, 1865
The Emancipation Question, 1862.
The State Convention adopts end of slavery, 1864
Vote to end slavery, 1864