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Signature Collections
Signature Collections
Allegany County African American History
About: Education
Other topics within this collection:
Arts and Entertainment
Government and Law
Segregation, Intolerance, and Integration
Slaves and the Underground Railroad
Sports: Football and Basketball
Sports: Baseball, Boxing, and Track
Black History Month, Juneteenth, and MLK Events
Buttons - African American
Acknowledgements and Bibliography
About Al Feldstein
Displaying 1 - 36 of 57
African American schools of Allegany County, Maryland
Afro-American Student Society, Frostburg State College
Arthur Washington - Allegany
Bonnie and Shelly Peck
Breaking Barriers
Brownsville Hall - Frostburg State University
Carver Elementary School Teachers
Carver High 1954
Carver High Prom
Carver High School Dance Band 1954
Carver High School shop class
Carver High School shop class - sanding
Carver High students and alumni
Carver School
Charles Watermann
Chester "Leroy" Carter
Commemoration of 1956 Integration in Allegany County, Maryland schools
Crossing the Bridge
Earle Bracey, Mary Reed, Mary Carter - Education
Earle L. Bracey, 1904 - 1983
Edith C. Bracey, 1893 - 1960
First Negro Student accepted at Frostburg State College
Florence Saku
Fort Hill graduates 1956
Frederick Street & Carver High School graduates
Frederick Street School debate team, 1926
Frederick Street School Valentine Dance, 1926
Frostburg State College African-American Faculty
Frostburg's Park Street, "Lincoln" School Children
Garrett County's "Colored" Schools
Greene Street Junior High School
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at Shepherd University
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. biography
Howard High School, Piedmont, WV
James Fanto Deetz and "Parting Ways"
James Goldsworthy
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