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Signature Collection -- All Media Items
The 1936 Flood in Cumberland, Hancock, and Williamsport
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Other topics within this collection:
Overview of Flood
Cumberland Commemorative (Shoppers Guide)
Cumberland newspaper headlines
Cumberland (Flood)
Westernport & other Allegany towns
Garrett County (Flood)
Hagerstown newspaper headlines
Hancock, Williamsport
Interviews of Williamsport residents
West Virginia (Flood)
Pittsburgh, Johnstown and other PA towns
Flood news across the region
Maryland National Guard report, 3-1936
Photographs of flood damage
Allegany County Commissioners minutes
Also in the news
'Perfect Storm' Of Century , 3-20-1936
$1,500,000,000 Relief Fund is Roosevelt Aim, 3-18-1936
1936 Flood in Cascades
1936 Flood in Hancock
1936 Flood in Hancock - Main Street
Ad - Cumberland Cloak and Suit, 3-23-1923
Aerial view of Cumberland, 3-23-1936
Allegany County Commissioners minutes 3-19-1936
Allegany County Commissioners minutes, 3-23-1936
Army of Workers Removing Mud and Debris, 3-19-1936
As flood waters recede at Johnstown, Pa., 3-24-1936
Bank holiday in Cumberland is declared, 3-18-1936
Bridge at Hancock, 1936
Bridges at Williamsport, 3-19-1936
Buildings floating, Hancock bridge, 3-18-1936
Cat rescue, Co B to Cumberland, Kelly's sawmill, 3-18-1936
CCC Enrolled Here Help, 3-18-1936
Chlorine placed in Wash County wells, 3-21-1936
Cigar Store Clerk Barely Escapes Drowning, 3-18-1936
City Buried Under Tons of Mud and Debris, 3-18-1936
Conference on relief, flood control, 3-23-1936
Conococheague flooding at Williamsport, 1936
Conococheague, 1936
Conomac Park, Williamsport, 1936
County Program offered at relief meeting, 3-24-1936
Cumberland flood waters at their heighth, 3-19-1936
Dam 4, 1936
Damage to city alone believed to be million, page 3, 3-18-1936
Death Toll Mounts, 3-19-1936
Death, damage, desolation, 3-22-1936
Engineers of Army proposals, 3-21-1936
Extent of flooding in Cumberland
Fire adds to distress, Williamsport, PA, 3-20-1936
Flood leaves 17 dead in WV, 3-21-1936
Flood waters pounding edge of Washington, 3-19-1936
Floods cause millions of dollars damage, 3-19-1936
Fourteen Believed Dead In Johnstown Flood Area, 3-18-1936
Garrett County, not much damage, 3-19-1936
Gov. Nice Makes Personal Inspection Of Flood Areas, 3-20-1936
Gov. Nice Views City's Wreckage. Will inspect Creek Area, 3-20-1936
Hagerstown Daily Mail - March 18, 1936
Hancock Bridge, 1936
Hancock Bridge, 3-19-1936
Hancock flooded, 3-19-1936
Hancock News, Oceans of Water
Hancock rescue, 3-19-1936
Hancock taking care of flood victims, 3-21-1936.
Hancock, westside, 1936
Harpers Ferry, March 18, 1936
Heavy damage to Washington County highways, 3-22-1936
Heavy snows in flood belt, 3-22-1936
High water blocks sick CCC worker on way to hospital, 3-18-1936
History of Cumberland's Flood - Shoppers Guide
Homeless and disaster, 3-22-1936
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